Toma Taylor

Cyber Security Professional | GIAC Advisory Board Member


My Consulting Services

Your Dedicated vCISO

Provides strategic security leadership, collaborating with your team to define clear security goals and oversee initiatives that align perfectly with your business objectives.

Network Penetration Testing

The goal of this service is to uncover critical vulnerabilities in your network infrastructure through simulated real-world cyberattacks. Actionable steps and prioritized remediation plans are delivered to fortify your defenses and ensure ongoing security.

Web Application Penetration Testing

This service comes with security assessments of your web applications identify vulnerabilities, translated into practical remediation plans. This ensures your applications remain secure and minimizes the risk of breaches.

Cloud Penetration Testing

This service aims to assessing and securing your cloud environment. I identify vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, then partner with your team to develop a robust plan that safeguards your data and applications in the cloud.

Vulnerability Management Consulting

This service goes beyond vulnerability identification. My structured approach helps you prioritize, remediate, and retest vulnerabilities, ensuring your systems remain secure and protected from evolving threats.

CI/CD Pipeline Security Assessments

This service aims to identify and address security weaknesses in your container images. I offer in-depth security assessments for containerized applications.

Container Security

This service aims to identify and address security weaknesses throughout your development lifecycle. I offer in-depth security assessments for CI/CD pipelines, guaranteeing secure deployments from development to production.

My Certifications